Uncommisioned urban artz/graffiti out of super floofy moss.
Green your city and satisfy those creative urges. Not suitable for people with a short attention span.
От cheshirewickedwonderland - Original post 9Jan2013
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Uncommisioned urban artz/graffiti out of super floofy moss.
Green your city and satisfy those creative urges. Not suitable for people with a short attention span.
It’s barely been 24 hours
How is
What did
… how
I think the fandom just went into hyper speed.
someone’s going to fail their French tache finale tomorrow
Uma cobra protege dois filhotinhos por 48 horas após eles caírem por acidente em um buraco, na Índia. No início, pensou-se que ela queria atacá-los, mas depois notaram que ela estava cuidando dos cãezinhos. Quando resgatados, os filhotes voltaram para sua casa e a cobra foi libertada em uma floresta.
Não tem como não compartilhar isso com vocês.A snake protects two pups for 48 hours after they accidentally fall into a hole, India. At first, it was thought that she wanted to attack them, but then noticed she was caring for puppies. When rescued, the chicks back to their house and the snake was released into a forest.
It is impossible not to share it with you.
good snake, best snake. ;A;
Along with that new trailer announcement this morning, Nintendo also sent out these new screenshots for the newly announced Pokemon X and Pokemon Y games. Some interesting environment shots but it looks like they are keeping a lid on pictures of the new Pokemon.